[53] Harry Potter and Rubber Bands

Listening to: Valencia
Feeling: colorful
So, the past two days have some of the best of my summer (with the exception of that night at Dustin's) Anyways, yesterday morning at around 6, Mattric and I left to go stand in line for the Harry Potter book. =] We got there at 7, it opened at 9, and we got out bracelets. We went back to Mattric's house, and I slept on his giant been bag until around 6:30. We went outside, jumped on the trampoline, and then left for Borders. Oh my god. Some people are just fckn crazy! The costumes!!!! Well, we (we being me, Mattric, Samantha, and Courtney), counted down, and got our books before all but 22 of the 3,500 customers at Borders. =] And as for today.... My dad woke me up kinda warly so me, him and Abby could go see Die Hard 4 (again). That was a lot of fun in itself. After the movie we had another trip to that damn Verizon store to fix my phone. But it's all good, now. =] We came home, and left a little while later for Brandie's party. At 9ish, we left to drive around. At about 11:30, we came back to my house, and sat in my kitchen. Somehow, a rubber band war broke out, and all hell let loose. Amazingly, it was an incredible night. One of the best ever. I think I might see Tristan tomorrow. Wish me luck. =]
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