[75] Headache!!

Feeling: headachy
In 18 years of life, I have gotten, maybe, 13 headaches. For some reason, in the past 2 weeks, I have been plagued with nearly daily headaches, and I wish I knew what was causing this. Anyways: I got 50 pictures from my computer turned into prints for my dorm at Ball State. Yeah, it's a little early, but I'm ready to go now. They all brought back killer memories. I seem to be living in the past a lot. Maybe because it's the end of high school... I never thought I'd be the one to be sad about leaving high school, so thinking that these memory spurts are form a fear of leaving high school seems absurd to me. I love school. The thought of getting up at 6 every morning sucks, but I love seeing all my friends, and pulling crazy immature pranks, but do I really love it that much? Enough to make me miss it when it's all over? 8 days of high school left and all I've been thinking about for weeks is how much I want to graduate... Maybe I'm scared. I don't know... I don't think I want to know, actually....
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