[74] Senior Banquet

Listening to: =(
Feeling: lost
So, tonight was our senior banquet for show choir. Such a bittersweet night. Some of the greatest nights of my life have been spent with my show choir girls, and I don't know what I'm going to do without them. They have all become my sisters, despite my hatred for some of them. One of the saddest parts of leaving this group behind is leaving my best friend and sister, Brooke Mankin. She's only a sophomore, but she has been there for me through everything. I can run to her if I ever need anything, and she will ALWAYS have my back. I love her so much, and I'm going to be lost without her. She wrote me a letter and not even halfway through, I started crying. I love her so much! I got another one from Olivia, and it also made me cry. I never realized how much theses girls love me and look up to me. It's crazy to think how much I mean to some of them. I do things that I don't even realize, and it just changes them. I cannot believe all this... It's too much right now. I gotta go. =/
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