x0_28 So far so good

Feeling: spontaneous
Yessss!! So far today is awesome!! Casey is here and we are having a blast!! We went to the flea market and breatfast and all of this great stuff. It's totally spifferiffic (not spifferous)!!! lol don't even attempt to ask us crazii people!! Gotsta go on to better things!! ttyl!! leave me some x3 -[ x ]- -[ o ]- Megz -[ o ]- -[ x ]-
Read 6 comments
i was gonna get your layout its cool but ohh well
cuute diary, its melinda i kno you hate me. umm question why do you hate amber (and me)

-Mel x0x0
well that makes sense now. everything is so confuseing about people and aggh, but its nice to no someone out there doesnt hate me.
umm for a comment pic you need to upload the pic you want and then rename it comment_pic.gif and htne for the pop up i got the code here
lol no problem..i'm adding you too.
lol yeaa..
i cant wait!