x0_42 bored

Listening to: I have no idea
Feeling: dull
----»I am bored...I didn't go to school today because I was so effin tired. Either I take my allergy medicine and can't go to sleep or I don't take the medicine and stay up coughing. It's a lose-lose situation. grrr. ----»Emily and I had fun yesterday. We were hanging out in a concrete and me and her sister (Megan) pranked her boyfriend and Emily thought he sounded like a rapist lol phunni times. ----»Going to garage sales tomorrow and then going to practice at 9:30. It's going to be the bomb diggity. We're getting fireworks that's oh so0oo spifferific lol Casey. Best of times much x3 ----»I'm outtie for now... I love _______ && can't help but loving ________ even though he's an asshole my heart still beats for them both... your love is my suicide... please leave me some x3 -[ x ]- -[ o ]- Megz -[ o ]- -[ x ]-
Read 2 comments
nice who are the myster men?

xO Natalie * ♥
OMG i updated it HORRRAY well i did tell cathy and then i said that wasent really the secret it was so0o funny she got so0o mad lol we should tell her at our last game and see if she still remembers!l0l

*Stellie ♥