x0_46 Study Hall

Listening to: nothing
Feeling: kawaii
AHHHHH I am trying to write fast because I am afraid that Mrs. Fritz will catch me....AHHHHH NOOOOOO!!!! I'll write more later about my day....oh how boring it was. You people better leave me some comments!! Jess I love you more ha ha leave the x3 -[ x ]- -[ o ]- Megz -[ o ]- -[ x ]-
Read 3 comments
Goldfish are crackers that look like fish that taste like cheese. Weird, huh?
hey wats up babe?
ya im was bored to
day in lunch..u kno
life is shit,ya im
so fuckin prep,,ya
in her fuckin
nightmares,dirty sun,
of a gun ,blow job
givin slut lol
anyways much luv
meg u need to update jezz ur boring