x0_72 Back from Hersheyy

Listening to: the sounds of AIM
Feeling: happy
Hershey was the bomb diggity!! Well first we went to Lancaster and stayed at the most amazing hotel. It was soooo nice. && we went shopping at Rue 21. YESSSSS!!! I got lotsa stuff. It was good. && we went bowling. I sucked lol. Then we went to Hershey in our pool side room. YES. We swam for a while and then went to the park. HERSHEYPARK It was sweet. We went on a bunch of stuff but the best part was that Casey went on a roller coaster. She is like terrified of them but she went on!! So now she's not that scared of them anymore. When we got back to the hotel we sat out in the chairs in our concrete section lol. We saw these two guys get into the hot tub and it was way past the time for closing. So we were going to tell on them but we didn't. && they came over to where we were and we talked. We told them we had their backs and if someone came they told us to give them a signal "A dead llama or squirrel". They went swimming in the pool at like 11:30 and out comes the security guard. We yelled llama and squirrel and they didn't hear us so they got yelled at. And then one of them tried to hop the fence and missed. He hit his nuts. Oops. I felt bad. Then they came back and we talked until like 12:30. lol they were just too cool. Well I am outtie for now...a little tired from the drive. leavethelove -[ x ]- -[ o ]- Megz -[ o ]- -[ x ]-
Read 8 comments
heck yesssss~~!~~thatwas so much fun

~~~~~{gotta luv me}~~~~~
Cute layout
megan, because i love u soo much, can u get me a new layout ? please !!!!
yay ! im so glad we are in the same homeroom ! u, me, and otha ppl will have soo much fun !
ok, how bout this i'll give you my password, and u can go on and do whatever u want to it... thats what bethany did 4 me, so i'll trusst u to do the same... im me some time, and i'll give u my password

hey can u make me a layout??
IM me sometime on AOL my s/n is Fallen4y0u2009

hey , i kno what i want my layout to say ! and the colors !ahahaha!
im me to find out !
yay thank you ... i luv it