x0_87 Lotsa good stuff

Listening to: Sounds of Seinfeld
Feeling: hyper
Lunch && science were by far the best things of today. During lunch I sat next to Lou Lou and it was SOOOOOO funny. We were trying to get our science homework done and stuff. It was just too funny because we couldn't even write the questions right let alone the answers. Mine looked like chicken scratch and I didn't even do the 1-4 questions. I just made the 1-2 questions look like the 1-4 questions. The 1-2 questions were even labeled 1-2. lmfao. && we got away with it!! Emily did like the same thing I did. In science I was soooooo hyper!! I was laughing to the point of tears for no reason at ALL. I was really annoying Mr. Mac. I could kinda tell. When he was on the phone he turned his back to the class and I stood up on my chair and stuff. I was just sooooo hyper. Hopefully I will get to talk to Lou Lou soon! leavethelove♥ -[ x ]- -[ o ]- Megz -[ o ]- -[ x ]-
Read 2 comments
megan ??????? who is lou lou ? just wonderin. do i kno this person ???

mwah ... Julesx0x0
heyyyy megziee check uot my new layy ... itsp retty cool..so laterr
