Brighter Light

Feeling: smooth
the dayz r lookin just a bit more up. today we had dance (duh) n the guyz were pickin partners. well kyle wuz walking toward me...^.^ BUT THEN!! BERNARD RAN UP AND GRABBED ME!!! I WUZ LYK "DUDE WUT THE FUCK R U DOING!?!?!" i wuz sooooo pissed off @ that. n then he's lyk "OMG! go bak go bak!!" but kyle had already gone to get nana. no, he duznt lyk nana- her b/f is one of his bestfriends for one, n she's the only other one he actually knows in our PE class. Bernards makin it up to me though, he's gettin me candy for Vday...
Valentines Day is screwed.
mayb ill ask kyle to b fuck it. i hope sum1 sends me a carnation, bsides Bob. last yr i didnt get any- i felt sooooooo unimportant!! then again its not lyk am to that many ppl...lets count them- my mother......thats about it....haha ...homework done...refuse to practice instruments....i guess all my work is finished. shower n food. i suggest the guys n my PE class do the same...well not the food part, but the shower!! ack *pinches nose* im glad Devin, Kyle, Eric, Bernard, n Ben wear deoderant...but they're just about the only ones!! *woo* u cud pass out man! Look at the big picture
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