Spare Time

Listening to: my wonderful keyboard
Feeling: amused
bought some sheet music today: My Immortal by Evanescence and Graduation (Friends Forever) by Vitamin C. now i have a "hobbie." even though i despise playing the piano. guess ill give it a chance. if i learn Graduation by June i guess i cud play it for 8th grade graduation (yea i know, woop de doo. 8th grade.) -just finished watchin Cheaper by the Tom Welling. very yummy i mite say. haha. had to coolest dream last night- i say that cuz the hottest guy frum skool wuz in it. n something that wud only happen in my dreams- he wuz checkin me out and washing a mustang at the same time. awesomeness. haha. ~had an ortho appt today. the put coils on my bottom jaw after putting in a smaller wire. my teeth are being rushed to their positions even though im right on schedual. that means ill b able to get them off next yr. o joy. i dont know y ppl complain about braces. they really arent that much of a burden- least i dont think. all u hafta do is brush ur teeth and ull b fine. it duznt even hurt as much as ppl complain it duz unless u eat sumthing like rock hard. nicole- such a snob, got braces. she only has to wear them for not even a yr n she has the nerve to complain about the littlelest thing. idiot trey eats wut he's not supposed to and has had 12 brackets pop off in one week bcuz of it. by that rate he'll have them on til college. but enuff of my complaining.
live the music
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we seriously need some kind of coffee house out here... where is out here? thats what i meant yup..