Strange Evolution

Feeling: quiet
its really strange...brian duznt like me but he asked me to the dance. makes me wonder if its a pity date or not. o.O he said he wuznt pressured into asking me but that he duznt like me the way i like him. he's really strange... ah well. im havin fun w/ my friends anyhow. phillie finally admitted he likes xina n xina likes him. or at least is starting to like him. yesterday, phillie xina n i went to see Shrek 2. it soooo rocked but now kiara [that bitch hoo's xina's best friend] is mad at her for not inviting her. it wuz kinda last minute when phillie invited us so xina had to leave like right then to come pick me up. plus, we're planning to go see it again as a giant group. " boots!" im currently balancing a clipboard on my head. have been for 2-3 minutes. dun know y. i just set it up there n it hasnt fallen yet. --finally got CDs that will actually burn music onto them. ^.^ already used one. its my "happi music CD." all of the songs r fast paced...except "One Thing" by Finger Eleven. guess imma go outside. its really hott though. we dont have a pool in our neighborhood though. that sux ass. --
Read 2 comments
I like the pinstipes as your backround.

They're awesome. ^_^


Does this mean u get to kiss Brians brother more?