4- School's out!

Listening to: Nothin
Feeling: good
FUCK YA!!! SCHOOL IS OUT!!! I am soooo happy! I want to PARTY!!! I can't wait till Friday. Katie is having a party but she said nobody can bring any beer. So I guess after I go to Katie's party I am going to go to Tara's house cuz she said her mom bought some beer...well actually the weak stuff. Well tomorrow I was suppose to go to Hahna's house for a dance team breakfast thing but she cancelled it. Tomorrow night if it doesn't rain I am going to umpire for a game. I was suppose to umpire last night but I was suppose to have a basketball game but they cancelled it cuz they said you aren't suppose to start till after Memorial Day. And thats next week. So I have a game next Tuesday. I hope it will be as fun as it was last year. Well I gotta go...my popcorn is almost done popping.
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school sucks