101- Update

Last night was awesome! Tara D had her little shindig. Tara, Me, Patty (Patrick), Mike, Cary, and Caleb were there. It was great fun! Umm we ate chips and cookies and drank. I hadn’t eaten anything all day so I got drunk really, really fast. I ended up wanting to fall asleep at like 10 pm. Usually I stay up all night and party. I went and laid down on the air bed in Tara’s room and Cary came in to stay in there with me to make sure I was okay. I remember Tara coming into the room and getting blankets so her and Patty could sleep in the living room. I guess Cary, Caleb, and Mike left around 11 something. I woke up at 6 a.m. and nobody was up. So I just listened to music till 10 a.m. Tara made me and her Mac ‘n’ Cheese for breakfast. It was really good. Cary came over when she was making it and then he got bored and left. Tara and I ate and then I went and put my foot on Patty’s back and shook him to get him up. He finally got up at like noon. I left at 1:15 p.m. to get back at my house at 1:30. I got home and did my algebra II and American history. I want to go out tonight but I doubt I will get to cuz it is Sunday. Well that’s my update. *&^%$#@!Alyssa!@#$%^&*
Read 2 comments
sounds like fun! hehe yeaya!

That's great stuff, my birthday is really soon...
