95- Final Entry

Let’s see…two days ago was my birthday. So I’m 17 now and I don’t feel any different. Not very many people remembered it was my birthday. Here’s the people that remembered. Kyle, Tara D, Cassie, my mom, and Cary. My dad forgot it and so did my brother. My Grandma and Grandpa’s forgot too. Yeah well it was a pretty great birthday. I had a lot of chips! Tara D stayed the night at my house. Meylissa was suppose to stay the night too but her mum wouldn’t let her so that sucked. I spent the whole day with Tara and Cary! It was awesome. We went to the fair. I got a present from Cary. Guess what it was? It was chips! It was great. Yeah…well if you didn’t know…well this is my last entry for this diary. I made a new one that is private. Well I don’t know what to say so laters…and have a great life. LOL! Alyssa
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alyssa your being a faggot! I REMEMBERED!!.. ugh.. i compeltely give up on you!!! stupid hoe.
Hey girl...you really need to lay up on the chips. I'm gonna miss reading your diary.

Aimee Lee

love always,
I'm glad i didnt forget your b-day!

were going to mis ya on here.. lol
hey alyssa I tried to add you like you said but it just said that the diary wasn't found. Jess
eehhh.. i added your new diary but i cant even look at it?