
Ok, so i was suppose to be skipping school today but no, everyone else had to get caught, i'm waiting in the parking lot and the hall monitor walks out and that's when i knew, she evn sat there and commemorated me on a job well down and said that my friends were the only thing that had gotten me caught, she didn't write me up though, she just said that i was good at thinking on my feet, i thought so too considering i was the only one who made it out... ugh! Oh well, so tomorrow I'm staying over Brandi's house and i don't know who else is going but i don't really care as long as i get to hang out with some of my friends... then friday we have the day off so i think we'll just hang around Brandi's till we find a place to crash that night and head over there with older movies or something... Saturday should be a movie day, there is a whole bunch of movies that everyone wants to see, it should be interesting to see how it all works out... then Saturday night we'll crash somewhere before spending the day together sunday, i don't even know what we'll do, but we'll think of something... Anyways, i don't really have much else to post today... oh, except that Barry and I skipped part of C block, i had a sub so no one really even noticed and we just went to all 3 lunches, actually that was the plan but i don't really like 3rd lunch and Barry had a quiz in his class so we headed back after 2nd, it was cool though, we just crashed in electrical between 1st and 2nd lunches, that was cool, Mr. B. will always let me crash there, so that rocks... Anyways, i have stuff to do... i think, but yeah, i'll post more whenever...
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