[75] Doesn't This Just Suck

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Feeling: sinful
isn't this just peachy: i'm sick. i have the worst head cold and i'm coughing like crazy. what the hell! i don't want to be sick...it sucks. hopefully it will go away soon. my brother has left for college and i'm leaving for Florida on friday! yes! vacation. other than that, nothing that exciting. Toodles, Julia
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I hope you feel better!!
hey! this is lauren (thatswtshesaid, nobodysgirl12)..new sitdiary..sorry its taken me so long! how have you been?
Okay, comment me with this information.
-Favorite Color, book, movie, holiday, food, sports team, and your Life Ambition and one word to describe yourself.

It is for my yearbook, you have a page in it. I put harry Potter for your book, I thought that would be it. Oh, and I need a future Husband for you...do you want Jeremy Sumpter?
lol...yeah..i think ive found my special someone! dont worry..your will come!
In my publications class we each have to make our own individual yearbooks, and I have friends pages and you are one of them.