well thats allright i will just see you there because I'm gonna get a ride...
yeah that was pretty sad when they had to do that but yeah what about next weekend?
there ready lets go!!!!!!!!
now you have a batmo - bycicle. yayaya
holy smoke banana!! ooo im looking forward to those pics,..hehe even though i allready printed out a bunch of "package" pics from your shower,..lol.
hey andrew you should go to my show. it starts at 7:00, at the cafe on A
438 S.A. St. oxnard
november 13th (today) 2004
bring: $5.00 to get in.
later man.
yeah it does suck that i spent that money but i dont care cuz its just $7...but yeah we all definitely need to get together since we live so close!!BBBBBBBBBBBBBBYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEE!!!
yeah they are, i am going to go to sleep. nighty night! sweet dreams. XoXo
yeah it was arbys is great!
hey andrew
well i guess if your at the mall and im at the mall them i will be seeing ya
yeah so forsure ill get kc and then well call you
i thought we had plans to go to the mall??
yeah thanks for ditching me.
not much andrew, lates.
oh yeah hornyness rite there! haha i would've feaked out too lol !
haha how funny yah i knew about ur arms but not about ur boxers hah u crazy kid!
hey andrew are you going to walk to buena again tommarow?
if i ever saw a bumb shitting infront of a thrift store i would be thinking "why is a bumb shitting infront of this thrift store" i would also be probably disturbed, but it would be comical at the same same time. haha later man: sincerely jon
no the insane guy with the dress was yesteerday, and another bum was sitting by a thrift store today not shitting...hahaha thats so awsome later man.
hey batman whats up man. that guy was insane but was awsome at the same time. i also forgot to mention that he was wearing a hat that looked kinda like a turbin. haha he was so fucking incredibly strange. alright man well ill seeya later: scincerely jon nichols