T-shirt Bitch

Listening to: T?? S?p?o??re ?ea?
Feeling: masochistic
My shirt FINNALY came today! I ordered that shirt like 3 weeks ago! sheesh. Juan wrote me a letter. I miss him so much since he left for bootcamp. He got his G.E.D. already! And when hes 18 in a few months hes going to the MARINES. I wrote an entry on him a while back on my old sitdiary. I got my Prom pictures today. They came out pretty good. I think I look retarted but then again I dont like how I look ever haha. Larissa looks beautiful tho ♥ my stomach hurts. Im gunna try to fix it. AND I HATE PEOPLE WHO COPY MY STYLE & CLOTHES! GRR! Santa Fucking Barbra this weekend. I want to fight someone right now. I dunno why ~Mike~
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i know what willl fix your stomach problem chocolate toast