Feeling: thirsty
Iv been thinking so much latley. And I get in these moods where I just wonder about everything. Whats gunna happen, and how I can be a better person. And when I get in those moods, I either write about it with music or come here.... KERRIA has come a long way now, and its not all fun, games and playing shows anymore, this is buissness, this is life. We are signing a record deal with MEDIASKARE Records, and it almost amazes me that we are here. We will be putting an EP out soon, touring, doing exactly what I wanted to do with my life. Its gunna be a rollercoaster but Im just trying to get physicly and emotionly ready for this. Itll be the time of my life... Iv been thinking I dont think too many people really realize who they actually are until you go through some shit that breaks you down. And then your true friends shine when your laying in your own tears trying to hang yourself with the string from the blinds because your too weak from lack of food to get up and use a rope. You want some truth? Im fucking terrified. You slowly but surley learn about yourself. Its scary sometimes to know other people better than you know yourself, it scares me alot. I live for experiancing emotions to the fullest. Being as scared as possible, being as sad as possible, being as happy as possible etc... To me, THAT is living life. You can call that emo if you want, I really dont care. I have delt with alot. More then most people at my age. But if there is one thing I have learned through all my experiances so far, it would be to take everything you do as a learning experiance. Everything. "What doesnt kill you, will only make you stronger." Nothing has killed me yet, Iv come close, but not yet. Therfore I just get stronger. This may seem lame, writing about all this shit, but its not to me. In no way am I saying nor thinking I am better than anyone...I am just a regular teenager, going through my life. I translate most everything I go through into my band and I have found ways to make my own life more pleasing, it works and I wish everyone could understand. Dont let your Guilt lead to Blame because thats exactly what happens, man up to your life. And dont stop to breathe, because youll be left behind......Im still catching up. I read through this all and it seems a little vain or me feeling sorry for myself. But it isnt. Its just me. And if you dont like it then you should have stopped reading this a long time ago. I have so many people that I would love to thank for staying with me through my bullshit and lending a hand when I needed one...but to put names out there would be weird. You know who you are though. I love you all. Thank you. ♥ Mike
Read 7 comments
love you bro even if i wasnt always there to help or seemed like an ass i still would do anything to helps you even take a bullet <3 lets chill soon
i just wanted to say; good luck with everything mike ♥ you're a great person &you'll go SO far in life if you just keep your head up. i miss you &we need to hang out sometime with adrian &joe. let's make it happen. later days ♥
Ooookay ^^
Now i don't feel bad anymore.
I just so happened to post my comment on your previous post, as soon as you throw something new up

How ironic! It's a co-inky-dink, yo!
that is so beautiful!
i hope you will catch up with life!
and good luck with you band.
you seem so deep and magnifacent!
i am sure you will go far if you put your mind to it!
you seem so wonderful!

p.s. if you are looking for some good music check out bright eyes. they are so amazing and deep. (conor oberst the main guy is what drives it all)
I think you're a great writer, and have strong opinions.

I thought I would just tell you.

i always loved the way you wrote. good luck with everything. you guys will do a great job, so you don't really need it. ♥.
Mike........reading all of our old entrys on here made me so sad :( ...I hope you and you new "wuv" are happy :) take care xoxoxox -Cami