Dave and Carmen

Feeling: bouncy
Aren't Dave Navarro and Carmen Electra the most beautiful and sincere couple out there? They are so gorgeous with each other. *sigh* Dave is such a beautiful man... My sister and brother just left to go to Disneyland. Bastards. I painted my fingernails pink and I love it! Sorry I'm so boring kiddies, I just don't really have much to say. Take care Sweethearts. *kissies*
Read 7 comments
hey ashley. dude i was watching their wedding on mtv and i almost cried.they are so beautiful :0) hehe take care
haha, yes johnny depp is beyond gorgeous!! I've loved him since Edward Scissorhands (doesn't that make me sound obsessed? lol)..

and thanx! I've got medicine, hope i feel better too!
fuck yah dude oi is the best dude if the other so called *punks* thinks oi sux ass there fuckin POSERS
I think you're way hotter and more beautiful than her babe! I <3 you, Ash! Thanks for making me those hearts Turtle.

-Your husband Jose..
they are beautiful. and funny!!!

who is the guy in the background? he looks familiar, but i just can't put my finger on it
Your thing didn't post all the stuff i said. What it left out was that I lvoe you and thanx for making me feel good the way only you can! -Jose luvs u
Carmen and dave...hot laughs
come see me soon