4, 3, 2 ,1

Feeling: eh
i'm going to see my boyfriend tomorrie. yay! he wants to go pick up my bass at my ex boyfriend's house. that will turn ugly very soon. ugh..i'm kindda dreading that because i don't want to have to stand in between those two guys. maybe it won't be as bad *crosses fingers* my tat was hurting a lot yesterday because i was wearing some crazy tight pants and it got sqooshed when i sat down. it's better now, though. my tat is healing nicely!! i went shopping yesterday and i still haven't made up my mind as to what i'm gonna wear to the HIM show..ugh Countdown to the HIM show: 6 days
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Hey what's up? It's Ileana. When did u get the tat? Crazy ass!!! Well, I hope everything goes well with the ex-boyfriend thing.Love u, bye!
i play guitar and i sing, but in my jazz band i play african drums, and sing. i'll try to update more often.
yo whats up wit this its like weired eny wasy why do i car kool tatoo