ya, that's my lovaa

Feeling: affectionate
my boyfriend is so damn awesome. just got home a little while ago from his house. he stayed home from school to keep me company. i love him. SUNDAY: + Jose called at 10 am to ask if he could come over. + He shows up at 2 pm and says he is too tired to go out. + He gives in to my cries and takes me to the mall. + We walk around and buy stuff to eat for him. + Went to Starbucks + Went to Cicuit City to check out cameras, etc.. he gives me kisses infront of old people. + Came home and watched TV. + Took him home and spent the night. MONDAY: + Woke up (3 am) to Jose shaking me + Had hot steamy sex. Yum... + Fell asleep again + Got dressed + Watched TV with nakie Jose. + Bought ice cream + Mom picked me up and brought me home. I've had 2 great days...yup. Countdown to HIM show: 3 DAYS!!!
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yep yep. Mmmm Robert smith is definately a hottie. Iron Maiden nice good taste in music. Plus you will love th HIM concert saw that in pittsburgh it was awesome
wow man u are so lucky, i cant find any HIM concerts anywhere. i live in Scotland,they are coming to Glasgow but they will be with slipknot and metalica and they arn't really my scene. u will have to tell me how amazing they are i am sure they will be great!!! by the way ur diary is V. kool!!!!