
So I have quite the predicament on my hands. This girl I know, whom I suspected of liking me does not in fact like me, and thinks that I like her. Great. Now I have to tell her otherwise without it being awkward.... Not gonna happen. I also am suspicious of another girl. She might like me, she might not. Either way, I sense this unfurling into a huge problem...
Read 7 comments
you need to learn to update more, kid.

even though we talk on aim like everyday.

<3 miss you.
see you in october! <3
Dude, you were totally just speaking in a language I don't understand, thanks!

I miss you! <3
wow, sounds like you really hit a lucky streak! (= good on ya ;)
ryn - cool! glad it worked out for you. (=
how did it go with the other one? did she take things well?
it'd be easier if we could read thoughts sometimes, eh? that way, a lot of awkwardness would be avoided.
...or maybe it'd get worse.
ah, well. hope everything goes well. ;)
i say you just ask the bird you like how she feels & be equally straightforward about the one you don't; makes it a lot easier.
Awww! =D
Taking my words from me, aye, aye?

Loser, I miss you.

Visit me? =]]
=D good luck with that kid.

I miss you!