AHHHH. I have not emo-updated in like....years. So I will. Basically, the emoness of school, especially whence we are talking about world war one is totally unsurpassed by anything except my gloriously skunk like hair, which has accents of bleach, and red like my blood-pumping heart. Essentially, we just did this thingo, and it's like a war simulation game, which is totally emo because the blood of my trnch-buddies, not to mention german infanty men rains down on me and causes me to examine my oh-so-emo existance. You know, I've always wanted to bleach my entire self, not only my hair, so that I could properly reflect the emo-ness that is the whiteness of bleached hair, on a backdrop of blackened blood, turned red by years of antagonizing. And listening to Maroon (CrymsinxxxFyve) 5.
the blood
of the
krauts ra
ins onmy
it procee
ds to force
my sou
to really abuse
CaPs LoCk
-anonymous french man