The District Sleeps Alone Tonight is my favorite song; or one of them. I have many, but it is one of my favorite songs. It makes me think life is going to be okay someday, that nothing is perminant, and like the song, I feel like a visitor.
So as I watch the world through my thick-black plastic glasses and wear my band-shirts, my converse shoes, and have my heart and opinions on my sleeve I let everyone known exactly who I am with a simple Hello. I like to make my self-present, I want people to know I am there, I want to be recognized but not neccisarily understood, which makes me mysterious, which makes it hard to keep strong relationships. I believe in an alternant-reality, but not like most people do, mine doesn't involve aliens and _StarWars. Mine involves truth and honesty, and I have even made this place a reality with neverrrrrx, which is most important to me.
I don't like people who consider themselves better, I don't like people who know they are pretty, because they get biast.
I enjoy having a multitude of clocks with different times displayed on the faces, yet I strive to keep them all on the same time, I like paintings and posters. I like antique drawings and antique art. I like high-priced extravigant calculators. I love cd-rws.
This is an entry in a ramble, but a deep confession
I'm sorry you had a bad day
I wish I could have made it better
I'm really sorry
Iloveyou ♥
the postal service slkdjfslkj omfg i adore them.
and i love that song.
i love them..
I love you love.
got it?
thanks & you're welcome.
man im hot.
well you are a pubic lice wrinkly vagina.
so you are even worse.
..and whatever you say x's infinity to the infinity power biiotch.
look you got me talking like a 7 yr old.
pinktoenails420 ..but im going to take a shower & go to bed so talk to me tomorrow