I can't believe how completely fake she can be, I wish I could meet who she actually is, I never have, and she's always changing.
you're so easily broken.
I feel like I'm falling apart, and my whole life is just crashing down. and no one is making it any better.
and for the record, whatever girl you were, HardLove is not a genderbook, and it was amazing, and there is no way Alex, or Colby, or whatever she wants to call her fucking self, will ever understand what that book meant to me, or what anyboook I have read that has mad a profound change in my life means to me, and I'm tired of being called unemotional and uncaring because I've given up on a girl who doesn't deserve to be wasted on because she lies, and pretends to be someone she isn't, and can't even keep her own name because she's too afraid of people.
This isn't where I thought my life would be. I hate drama.
i can't believe I missed an entry.
for everything.