
fuck you leeann. okay? if it involved you; someone would of put you there. but it doesn't. you are a sidekick to a casuality. GET OVER IT. it's not hurting you. and for the record your royal BLINDNESS, she has hurt me, often, she lies, a lot, she keeps things from me, and she breaks promises. you know how doesn't do that? a girl amillionmilesawaywhoicanatleasttrust. jesus i'm fucking done with sitdiary. because people obviously don't care about sitdiary, and it used to be so awesome, and now people treat it like another diary site, it used to be a community. this is over. &&and so are you
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shut the fuck up i have a diary that i write in and the other diary is just to give people cool icons for their diary dont blame me because sitdiary isnt what u think it is dont fucking talk to me like that
want icons? check out my journal! new icons everyweek!

-thx 4 ur tym!-
what i notice is its the little 12 to 15 year olds that is messing this site up.

its quite sad
shut the hell up. u think ur so fucking high and mighty and never do anything fucking wrong! well guess what u screw ppl up! u don't even know Ally! get over it and stop lieing to urself! Alex is the best person u'll ever meet and if u don't get it then I guess ur even more retarded than I thought. her "lies" don't even come close to all ur crap and most of them weren't even lies just u blowing everything way out of porportion.
so stop being so fucking dramatic and and get out of greg world! start looking at the real picture!