cigarettes come in cartons

In the morning everyone looks terrible and blinks coldy toward the warm sun air, as they sip at coffee that is either too hot or just a tad bit too cold, no one wants to be seen in this hour yet let the ones closest to them notice them undressing from their pajamas before they have make-up, let their lovers slip in the shower as the dreams wash away in the reusable water cities will pump into your glass tonight. We all are mearly innocent children in the morning sun, and how I wish it would be this way all day long. At night time our business clothes come off and our naked bodies go out and do the most vile of things as we kiss and touch while things are slid into the other and a sigh escapes as we lose our innocence again tonight, we take our time and eat dinner with a movie as well, we enjoy being together and the only way we can do these things is by knowing that in the morning the story repeats as innocent characters to lying business men & as we end the day with a lustful passionate embrace. Has anyone ever noticed that life is a mirror to whatever you look at first? If you are thinking about something, you can make everything relate to so easily, life is a mirror to thought, and the secret of life is to find how to make thought the mirror to life, and then you can be exactly what you are: you. No one really ever does it, it's against human nature, but some strive for it. neverrrrrx email:
Read 3 comments
your words are full of wisdom. sometimes they surprise me. sometimes they dont. its like you have this wise person inside of you that you dont let out all of the time..
yes they do.
I like the new background.