...and I hate it.
This week has gone by on a interstate with no speedlimit, everything has been in slow motion though, and this is just another slow motion high speed day. This year has been a ride in a rocket ship, amazingly fast and far to many things to remember let alone talk about. I never felt like I belonged at this school though, and I still have nothing to grasp on to and feel that belonging. It's been a really weird year and I never imagined it could get like this.
Last night was really different, everyone was making fun of me, and I was just depressed before that, and I barely talked, and when I said something they asked why I was talking, it was weird. Ally called, and I barely talked, and I feel horrible. I'd go back in time and give Alex a pretty school picture, get enough sleep so I could be the Greg Ally wants me to be.
It's just lame when kids right Mae for the month of May..
I dont want you to be anyone but yourself. and it kind of hurts that you think id want you to be someone just because its how i want you to be. i dont know if that makes sense but thats how it came out..
Ive been talking to coreya nd we are cooling things.
Mainly because i wanted to ask you this for real this time without that interuption. (interruption=corey)
My E-Boyfriend?