okay, so... where the hell is everyone... did everyone just decide to say screw sitD or what? erica, nellie, kelly, shelli, tyna if ur reading this... START USING UR DAMN DIARY AGAIN! its been like moenths since weve written in these things... myspace is like taking over everyone's lives... we need to get back to this.. i used to write in these things like 2 times a day... times have changed... hmm well i love you all and i hope you come back to me.. call me ladies, kay?
mitch i miss you too.. ive been SO busy lately sorry i havent gotten back to ur email or anything... oh yea i got a new email so ill send u one letting u know it... hope all is well with you.. sorry ur move didnt work out... things will get better.. and if u n cindy arent working out then it just wasnt meant to be.. long distance is hard and it hardly ever works out... youll find someone i promise! if i can do it.. so can you! luv ya!