Entry The 6th: Survey

Did this e-mail thing a while back, might as well post it here, with changes obviously... umph... >~*~Start~*~ What's the date?: April 3rd Are you psyched about filling out this survey?: I've got nothing else to do? This is pretty gay to be honest... If you're not, too bad... do it neways ~*~All About You~*~ Full name: La Fooz De La Kooz De La De Loopdey Goop, or Douglas James Paterson, whatever. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?: Hmmm... dunno. I wanna change it, don't know what to though. Age: 16... hey, even I can answer these... If you could be any other age, what age would you be?: 18. Legal drinking, obviously... Height: Six foot one last time I checked Shoe Size: um... I'm meant to be a size TEN, but I wear elevens with my steelies... too big. Hair Color: Shitty crappy brown... blue soon!! Until then, sexy hat. Eye Color: Shitty brown. Getting colour changing contacts though. Where do you live?: Bonny Scotland Do you like it there?: It's allright... wanna move though. Why/why not?: Because it's cold, and boring. What's one thing that makes you unique?: My loathing of Pandas? What about your body are you most confident about?: Um... fuck all, but if I have to answer. My eyes... which are pretty covered in the pic... heh Most self-conscious about?: My hair... not really body part..... but my hair is so shit. ~*~Do you...~*~ Like your appearance?: No, no and no. Like your personality?: Some... I guess. Damn I use ... a lot. Think you're funny?: Not in the slightest. Other people think so, but they are stupid. Have a lot of friends?: Um... Toad, Beets, Jacek, Alex... That's about it, so... no. Usually go out on Friday night? No. The police keep catching me. Believe in aliens?: Yeah sure. Believe in love at first sight?: No... and I don't believe in love, I will in five minutes probably. Believe in astrology?: Nah, it's funny to read though. Apparentely I'm meant to have met the love of my life by now... lying bastards. Have a boy/girl friend? If so, who?: Nope... I suck! ~*~Friends~*~ >About how many friends do you have?: Three... I told you I sucked. The rest are just "mates" there's a difference between mates and friends. Who's your best friend(s)?: It said on tv you can have more than one best friend, thats bull though. Toad. Who can make you smile, no matter what mood you are in?: Beets, Toad or Jacek. Which person do you PRETEND to be friends with but secretly hate?: Tony, might as well just leave it really.... I punched him but he wont take the hint!! Do any of your friends just piss you off?: Yeah... they wouldn't be my friends otherwise... people who are always great suck. Do you get sick of your friends easily?: Not really. If you were stranded on an island what would u bring?: Um... something that wasn't a Panda Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you are comfortable enough with to talk about almost anything? If so, who?: Nope. I only have three friends who are girls, Emily, Maloa and Alicia... I let Alicia see a little bit of Dougie's thinking, and she freaked and tried to give me therapy... heh heh heh. If u were vicously tied to the rail road tracts because of a revengeful (you mean vengeful right)leprachaun (I reckon it must be the one from all those "Leprechaun" movies) and all of a sudden you hear toot toot what would your last word(s) before the train sadly enough ran u over be? : "Ah... fuck" ~*~Love~*~ Are you in love?: Depends, what is love? (If any of you reply with Darkness lyrics... I will hunt you) If not, have you ever been in love?: I like to say I havent, But yeah, I have... Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out?: Huh... this is a girls quiz huh... hell, I would still never get a date... Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive?: Nope... I suck, I told you... Would you be willing to give up sex in exchange for an emotional commitment you knew would last?: ... you're kidding right? Who would do that? Can't you have both, seriously? Would you still carry out a relationship if you family absolutely hated the person you were dating? (See "Meet the Parents"): Yeah, if it would piss the parents off, hell yeah. BBut only if I lovededed them. >~*~Would you like to have...~*~ A one-way ticket to Italy?: No. New york motherfuckers. An ice-cream sundae?: Nah... im not a big ice cream fan. I prefer yoghurt. A jar of cream cheese?: Yuck. Cream cheese? Aretha Franklin's attitude and her tell-you-off voice?: What?... no clue what that is. A trip around the world with nothing but the clothes on your back?: Wearing the same clothes day in day out, nah. I'd do it naked. Your brother/sister go away somewhere for a really long time?: WHEY HEY? They are? When... oh... yeah, it's rule. The lyrics to "Muskrat Love" permanently deleted from your memory?: What the fuck is that? Your mother's legs?: ... dude... no. Woman legs? Your father's elbows?: Old man elbows? Nah... >John Cusack?: Who the hell is he? He's a movie dude like... no, I a'int gay. An easy bake oven?: Nah... ~*~Have you ever...~*~ Drank?: A little... heh heh. Smoked?: Yes Done drugs?: Does sherbert count? Danced around the house wearing nothing but a towel? ... No... who would do that? It's cold. Told someone you loved them?: Oh yeah. A few times... always a stupid thing to do. Think I meant it... Needed to tell somebody something but were afraid you couldn't trust them?: I just don't rell people stuff. Cut class?: Not really... except for when I feel like a day off sometimes. Got in a fight?: Yeah. I never win. My friends always back me up though... cheering for me to hit Anthony again. Felt suicidle?: Yup, but I just gotta let it pass. Can't let the assholes win by killing myself. ~*~Right Now~*~ >Listening to: TEENAGE KICKS! (Sexy Undertones Version, not crappy Busted) Watching: Nothing, people. Wearing: Black jeans, bullet belt, couple of belt chains, black long sleeved t-shirt with a funky skeleton on it, and my skeleton neck chain thing... Eating: Fuck all. Was at an all you can eat earlier Thinking: This is a long ass thing... Talking to: Alex, about his kick ass new game. Feeling: Sorta half asleep ~*~Past, Present & Future~*~ What is the craziest thing you've done in the past?: I don't wanna tak about it. Okay... we were all drunk, and it involved beer and man boobs and fake inflatable boobs. Beets and Toad will remember it... If you could change one thing you have done in the last 24 hours, what would it be?: Nothing, I now embrace the "everything happens for a reason" philosophy. If you could've been born at any point in time, when would you pick?: Lets see, 1977 was when it all hit big, Sex Pistols, I would wanna be about 18... so 1959!! Right now, what is your biggest regret?: Regrets? I've had a few. But then again, to few to mention... I dunno, seriously? List some things you want to do before you turn 18: Um find a girl I can love, make at least SOME money with THE UNDERCLASS and have one peice of writing published somewhere, my novel I'm cowriting with someone, called shades of red (read it on www.fictionpress.com people) Do you want to get married?: Sure... why not? If so, at what age?: I wanna be married by the time I'm 25... Who do you want to marry?: A girl... who's bonny, and doesn't treat me like an asshole (even though i am one) How will he propose to you?: No... I'll prupose to her. Um... dunno how I'll do it. What song will be played at your wedding?: Hmmm... outdoor wedding, let me see... Every Sex Pistols song... ever. Also, the Green Day song "She" How many guests will you have?: Toad, Beets, Jacek and Emily (since I've forced her to invite me to her wedding, I better invite her to mine) Do you want to have kids?: Why not? Turn them into mini-me's. >If so, how many?: Three... two boys one girl, the boys will be JUST LIKE ME, and the girl will be spoiled. What are you going to name your kids?: Jake, Greg and Kala. If you found out you were going to die tomorrow, is there anything you would want to say or do?: Nope. I'm going to die... I'm going to mope around and wait for it. Just tell my friends I love them, and tell the girl I like that I do... I'm gonna die, it's a nae danger day. Best way to die?: Fighting to save my country from Pandas. Write your own gravestone engraving: "I came into this world with a whimper, I went out with a roar... so fuck you" What song will be played at your funeral?: Green Day - Ha Ha You're Dead Do you wish you could be alive when the world was ending, just to experience it?: No.. it might hurt. If you had the choice to either go BACK 100 years or go FORWARD 100 years, which would you choose?: Hmmm..... interesting. You see, what if I go forward a hundred years, and the world has already ended? Did ya think about that? DID YA?? DIDN'T THINK SO ASSHOLE!!! I know there is a back to go to, so... back. ~*~I Wish...~*~ I had...: A pet kitty. I didn't have...: Three German Sheperds..... two is fine. My life were more...: Um... not here. My life were less...: Um... here. I could...: Play my drums more sexyfully. My best friend(s)...: would stay the same. My crush...: wasn't my crush? Cause Im to scared to tell her. ~*~Random~*~ What was your most embarassing moment ever?: See the man boobs story. If your house suddenly caught on fire and you could save 3 things, what would you save?: Drum kit (that would take ages) and my Jason dvd's and my FvJ models (along with kick ass Hockey mask replica) What would you throw into the fire?: Anything pink I saw. Is there something that you totally oppose? (Ex. Abortion, gays, biracial dating etc): Fags, not regular gay people, I think one of my friends at school might be gay, but I'm cool with it (lets call him Japan lover) but the ones with the uber high voices, the "stereotypical" gays they piss me off... who would be against inter-racial dating? Why really, I mean, it doesn't hurt anyone, I don't know my opinions on abortion... If you got pregnant when you were really young, like 14, would you have an abortion?: I'm pregnant? But I'm a guy... Favorite Shoes?: Steelies!! Who would you risk your life for?: Toad and Beets. Have you ever owned a pair of pants that made you feel like you could do anything when you put them on?: I think I could get up to more stuff without pants. What's your favorite inside joke right now?: I cant spell it... but Wostester-ster-sor..... sauce. Toad and Hilton? How easy is it to make you laugh?: Depends really... sometimes I laugh over nothing. Do you laugh when you hear the number 69?: Heh heh heh... obviously I do... Would you like to be cloned? (I'm not offering, I'm just asking): Yeah, that'd be cool. I could rip the piss outta myself, just to see why everyone likes it so much. What is your opinion of cloneing? (not like im planning on trying): Not sure. Anymore comments? This was so boring, I don't know why I did it. So that's me... I dislike me. -Dougs.
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i read that whole thing. lol can i take this?:)..

im your friend:(

and i hate sour cream too! YUCK!