Entry The 29th: Flooding

Listening to Alice Cooper is unlike me, normally Sex Pistols/The Clash/The Distillers etc. But today, Alice Cooper (just cause he rules) It's raining today, so I dont have to go to school cause Im fucking flooded in, yay me... Im actually pretty bored. And some scary guy is coming to fix the cooker, scary repair guys, aaaah!! He'll be here soon, so I shall report back if I survive (Im sure he's gonna end up being a serial killer, positive in fact) So, if I do not survive it, farewell people. -Kooz Well he was actually pretty cool. The river next to mine has flooded, pouring into my neighbours feild. Pretty gay. I CANT GO TO THE PARTY! Damn being flooded in, my mates Girlfriend (the mate in question is Le Toad) it's her 18th and theres a party at the Comm, and I cannae go cause of the fucking rain, how FUCKING BOLLOCKS!!! Anyway, Kerrang Magazine has officially become SHIT!!! They listen AVRIL FUCKING LAVIGNE as the tenth most influencial people in rock out of 100... JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!!! John (Johnny Rotten) Lydon only made 50! 50!!! Billie Joe Armstrong made 36! Fat Mike of NOFX made 24 or something, Tim Armstrong made 11, and AVRIL BEAT THEM ALL WITH TEN!! BULLSHIT!!!!!! It was called the 100 most influencial people in rock, Avril isn't rock, her music is defined as "shite". It said something about "The next generation of punks has to come from somewhere"... what? Since when is Avril remotely related to punk, despite her own bullshit claims. Kerrang is bollocks, they accept whatever label a band gives themselves... Good Charlotte are apparentely a TRUE punk band, who have managed to turn punk into a buisness... But surely turning "punk" into a buisness defies the nature of PUNK!! So, here is a new list, that shows it as it is. Worst People To Claim Their Music Is Rock 3. McFly (Basically Busted by another name, crappy band who claim to be Punk) 2. Busted and McFly are equally shit, but Busted were around before McFly and "created" this new wave of so called-punk (Its guitar-pop) 1. Avril Lavigne, for opening the floodgates, and for Sk8er-Boi (one of the worst songs ever) DEATH TO LAVIGNE
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when i was little and we were getting an extension on our house, there was this builder who i was totally scared of. whenever they were building, i would run down the hallway to my parents room and hide under the pillows at the head of the bed... i told my grandma about this "fear" and she laughed at me, so i didnt speak to her for a while.
keep in mind i was 5, but still.
hello. sex pistols are amazing!. r.i.p sid =( im with you on avril ugh i hate her so fucking much eh. later
i hate little avrils. people look at the way i dress and then say "oh, so you're punk like avril?" no. i am not punk, and neither is she. "so, you're goth?" no. i am not goth. "then what are you?" i am a misfit.
bahahah....i second that. good charlotte punk?? yea..theyre so punk. [note the sarcasm] ugh. oh god. i HATE avril. i DESPISE her. i LOATHE her. ugh...she gives me the friggin shits. i want her to rot in hell!!!

stupid posers wrecking the music industry and invading naive mindless people. *shakes head*

i am so bored. guess what?? ahah. im gonna see harry potter tonight. as a family thing. its gonna be blah.
haha i love your entry especially since avril does suck!!death to her and the other wannabe artists!