I have taken it upon myself to be the official Emo Basher of Stirling University. I don't know why I hate them so much, they're just so... shit, with their stupid hair cuts and apathy... apathy sucks.
Anyway, I should update this thing more often.
Yeah, so anyway. Uni is okay actually, I've not really posted my thoughts on it in any great detail as of late... so now I shall.
It's actually pretty ho-hum after the first few weeks, and I've kinda got settled into a routine (Monday is pub night, thursday is rock night, on fridays I go to Glasgow or Aberdeen) which is getting kinda shit... but, never mind, every now and then something crops up to break the routine... like...
Went to the Alice Cooper gig in Glasgow a couple of weeks ago... he was so amazing, it was possibly the best experience of my life seeing one of my idols up there, doing all his crazy shit... he's a god, and I bow. I also went to see Bob Dylan... it was... disappointing to say the least... looking back on it, I would have rather been elsewhere... he wasn't even on for two hours.
The Second Annual
Let me state that I am not opposed to christmas, it's all this merriment bullshit I don't like, having to be happy and nice to everyone, it's just bollocks. So every day from now till christmas I will be posting an anti-christmas picture or message for all!
Merry Christmas Fuckers!

what i don't like about christmas is all the commercialism.
but whatever, to each his own.
also, emo kids aren't apathetic...seriously. emo stands for emotional...which is the opposite of apathetic. apathy is the LACK of emotion.
they'd be apa instead of emo if they were apathetic. the problem with emo kids is they whine too much about things that don't matter.
heh i feel like such a poseur saying "wanker" and i don't even believe in poseurs.
i reckon anyone who conforms purposely to a stereotype just to be cool is an idiot.
ahahah, emo bashing should be fun!!! maybe one day you should walk around campus with scissors and just cut their fringes. muahahah, the evilness of it is great.
have fun ho