The "Kill Blue Whales" logo was designed by my mate Toad, he describes them as "Rediculously big fuckers". And... is it me or is the name "Gregor" annoying... probably just me but still...
Anyway, I won an ebay auction for a Neon Guinness Bar Sign... ace huh? It shall be proudly displayed on my wall... and it cost less than £20 after postage... BEAUTY!!
Anyway people, a question If I may? Cartoons. What's the facination with seeing srawings do stuff. Cartoons suck, with the following exceptions.
1. Family Guy (returning to your screens with a brand new series early 2005)
2. Spongebob
3. Old Simpsons Cartoons.
Also, WHEN THE HELL IS IT COMING OUT!! After Freddy Vs. Jason was released they said we would get an old school Friday the 13th movie... why did they lie? HUH? WHY DID THEY DO IT!!? Cunts.
By the way all hail Shane MacGowan (the dude in that pic on the left hand side) from The Pogues and defunct Punk band "The Nipple Erectors", he rules...