Yay, there is snow... that means...
1. Sledging
2. Snowballing
3. General Fannying About In The Snow
Zooming down a rediculously steep hill on a bit of cheap plastic (why waste money on some plastic sledge that will just break when a sheet of tarpaulin will do), possibly turning over and hurting ourselves when it turns to ice and completely fucks up out legs and arms - WHAT COULD BE MORE FUN!!
Anyway, I hate Shakespear. What was the man thinking when he wrote that stuff, it makes no sense (I don't even think it did at the time - they just pretended it did to make themselves look smart). Take for example his death scenes...
Dude 1: Oh no, you have stabbed me and I am slain.
Dude 2: As you have slain me good fellow, and I too die.
Dude 1: I am dead...
Yeah... seriously. Apparentely this was Low Brow entertainment too (The equivalent today would be American Pie), and was meant to be comedic.
Sorry, but shakespear aint funny, he's a twat. Blackadder put it best...
"Oh Look, Here Comes Othello, talking total crap as usual"
Anyway, Green Day suck. I'm sick of everyone singing American Idiot and Blvd. Of Broken Dreams, STUPID MAINSTREAM CRAP!! Anyhoo... monkeys rule..
Sam Raimi is producing an EVIL DEAD REMAKE!! NO NO NO!! BASTARD SELL OUT!! He used to be so cool... now he's encouraging a remake of his own classic for money... twat.
Ladies and gentlemen, Ashley J. Williams is dead...

To Fuck with the new one...

He doesnt even have the CHIN god damnit!!
Another edit, making this a rediculously long entry...
Tesco are a bunch of nazi's!! seriously, I fucking hate them...
98P for a crappy tin of iced cappucinno, jesus. If I wasn't nursing a coffee addiction I never would have payed that... I wouldn't mind if it was a big tin, but it's tiny. The label under it said 34p, later when I checked I saw that was for something else. The letters saying what it was was fucking tiny.
The egg came first. Everyone says its unanswerable, but the answer to "What came first, the chicken or the egg" is... the egg.
See, evoloution my friends. The thing that laid the first chicken wouldn't have been a chicken, more 99.99% of what we determin to be a chicken. See... evoloution.
AND never use hair gel, use wax. Gel is just bollocks, wax kicks all kinds of ass. The only problem is... it gets everywhere, it's all over the bathroom, it's on my camera... everywhere. The computer is probably coated in it... hmmm...
Lets look at The whole Santa Clause thing. Santa, no one worries about him. Kids sit up all night, waiting for Santa, a big fat guy, to come into their house... yeah... absolutly terrifying.
Christmas for that matter sucks. It is complete and utter crap. People dancing around tra la fucking la, being all phony and pretending to be fucking happy, when they're really miserable at having to fucking spend so much money.
Long Quiz |
Created by sweetobsession69 and taken 86 times on bzoink! |
About You |
Your name | Dougs |
Your age | 17 |
Hair colour | Brown |
Eye colour | Brown |
Height | 6ft one |
Glasses? | Yeah... |
Braces? | Nope... |
Tattoos? | Soon |
Piercings? | Yeah, used to be five in my left ear. Only one now. |
Favourites |
Colour | Red |
Band | Sex Pistols |
Song right now | Alice Cooper - Poison |
Book | |
Animal | Cats |
Cereal | |
Tv Show | |
Movie | |
Do You |
Drive | No, very soon though. |
Have a job | No |
Have a cell phone | Yeah |
Like school | It's shit |
Have a crush on someone | Yeah |
Act your age | No, I act like 9 |
Have any pets | Three alsations and a budgie |
Play any sports | no |
Have any siblings | One brother, two good for nothing half-siblings (bro and a sis) |
Have You Ever |
Been in a fist fight | yeah |
Gotten arrested | not exactly... |
Done drugs | no, despise them |
Drank alcohol | yeah, obviously. |
Snuck out of the house | yeah, but Im more likely to storm out. |
Kicked a guy in the nads | yeah, not for ages though. |
Been in love | no |
Broken a bone | no |
Gotten stitches | no |
Been to a concert | Yeah, obv. |
Thought about suicide | Kinda... just about the concept, never doing it. |
Cried over someone | Yeah |
When Was The Last Time You |
Had a shower | Last night |
Brushed your teeth | This morning |
Read A Book | Two nights ago |
Seen a movie in theaters | Ages ago... twoo or three weeks |
Rented a movie | Never do that |
Made fun of someone | Six Hours Ago |
Cussed | Five Seconds Ago |
Went to a party | Months Ago, parties are rare here. |
Coloured with crayons | ... I dont.... |
Played a video game | Couple of days ago. |
Watched Cartoons | Half an hour ago. |
Been out of the house | Two hours ago. |
I... |
Am | not a Panda |
Want | a lifesize model of Jason Voorhees |
Need | coffee |
Love | The Sex Pistols |
Hate | Pandas |
Miss | No one right now |
Would Rather | kill Pandas |
Am Tired Of | School... and pandas. |
Will Always | Hate Pandas (notice a link here) |
Random |
What's the date | The 19th of November 2004 |
What time is it | 22:21 |
Are you bored | Yeah |
What shampoo do you use | Fuck knows, its in some bottle... dont read the label. |
Do you believe in ghosts | Yeah, most def. |
Do you want to travel back in time | Yeah, 1977 < Punk Revoloution. |
Do you think there will someday be life on Mars | I hope not. |
Are my questions lame | Dunno... |
What are ya gunna do now? | Stay on the computer and waste my life away. |
Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
And we're not even done in this rediculously long entry yet.
I can't wait for December 13th, the Pogues at Carling Academy Glasgow. Shane MacGowan looks a lot better now, than the way he looked a few years back. He was a major face in the 70's punk scene, hence my admiration of him.
however many you can throw