Entry The 27th: Prefect Duties

Im a prefect, YAY ME!! I DONT WANNA BE A FUCKING PREFECT, BUT ALL FINAL YEARS HAVE TO BE ONE!! BOLLOCKS AND PISH!! I hate it, I fucking hate it, having to assert authority over BOLLOCKS rules!! Bollocks piss and shit!! I swear a shit load. Fucking cunts!! Anyways, ye whores, hows things? I dont wanna be a prefect... Imma cry... well not really cause that would be pussyish.
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isnt being prefect a good thing??

anyways...im still gonna talk to u. i want to. hell with the rules.
I'm a senior prefect. =D

Yey for me?

I wanted to be one so that they let me into a college. =) And so that I could boss around the prefects - many of which have tried to make me think that I'm scum in the past few years.
I'm gonna be a...erm, lazy person.