Fuck I hate this school. Everyone found out about this message board I use and they destroyed the community. Me and my buddy Wind were talking about starting up one of our own.
The slogan will be: "Don't strike a Match while breaking Wind~"
See...cuz I'm Match and he's Wind. Man we're losers. That one was his idea.
Some chick from my school threatened me on the board too. She's a whiney emo bitch. She says that a lot of people think I suck. When have I ever cared what people think about me? Exspecialy white trash, Christ worshipin', faggot hatin' rednecks! I know I'm white but it doesn't mean I can't hate people for being total dicks. I'm not gay either but whatever. They say I am. I'm starting to question if I am or not.
It's kinda fun that they call me that. Gives me ammo to fuck with them. They're all homophobes here.
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