Listening to: Sex Pistols--Problem
Feeling: hungry
Yeah. I said it! It's all the same. I can't hold a hard-on for anytime at all anymore because I've seen it all.
On another note: I'm getting a sub.
My mom and dad went out to pick some stuff and called me on my mom's state-of-the-art three year-old cell phone. It's gonna be Turkey.
....Well, I got it now. Aren't you guys all jelous? And even more so by the fact that my spelling sucks? I bet you are. Like, if your jelousy was food it could cure world hunger and then people would love you for it and you'd HAVE to mention me in you acceptence speech for the Noble Peace Prize.
I'm gonna eat now. My belly needs to be happy.
because yano. it sucks to be able to spell:)
yeah well those darn PETA people got me already and im sideing with them.