It is really hot.

Listening to: Sex Pistols
Feeling: hot
It's really fucking hot here. Seriously. I think that if I set myself on fire I would be cooler. I might just do that. I've already taken all aticles of clothing off and am sitting in my boxers. I even stood outside naked for a minute. (I had to come back inside because a car was coming and I don't want to have the cops called on me again for indecent exposure) So yeah. I'm hot. I wish I was on fire. And am doing an English project that's due tomarrow morning. Procrastination is great.
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It was really hot yesterday :)

What state do you live in?

lmmfao...I've been called on for indecent exposure's fun...:) yes had a bit too much too drink and I was running around naked screaming I'm the fucking lizard king...anyhu sorry I'm bored and browsing-cassie xox
heh... procrastination is what you do best...? Pretty cool diary, Jethro Bodean.

You're insane. *sets mr. bodean on fire*

how's that?