William Shakespeare is the most famous playwright in the entire history of playwrighting. However, some literacy critics and historians believe that his plays were actually written by Sir Francis Bacon, another writer who lived at the same time. The evidence they give for this is as follows:
Shakespeare's most famous play is called 'HAMlet' about a Danish prince. The critics and historians say these were clues put in by the writer to let us know that the play was actually written by someone called Bacon. Another theory is that the play was originally called Omelette, then Ham Omelette, before being finally called Hamlet, and these are clues to let us know that the real writer was actually Sir Francis Egg.
Among Shakespeare's (or Bacon's, or Egg's) other Most Famous Plays are:
Romeo and Noddy
King Leer (also known as I'll never smile again)
The Taming Of The Hamster
All's Well That Turns Out Alright
O Fellow!
Macbeth Meets Godzilla.
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