Dont read if easly offended

Listening to: Lowrider - War
word! today was okay i guess it kinda blowed well just cuz i have school. i swear to god that the main reason people go racist is cuz people are so fucking stupid it makes them go racest. for example everytime the teacher shows a video or something and has a african american in it, theyre like, why does it have to be black? or the teacher is like and on the black board ect. a black person always has to shout out why does it have to be black. my friend jer jer pointed out a good reason of why it has to be black.. cuz if its white ud be complaining why isnt it black. just think about it for a sec. jesus im kinda sorry if i offend anybody in this but this is just my twisted thinking. alright so if ur easly offended dont read on fair warning cuz im about to express my thoughts. so were watching that stupid 911 documentry that protrays bush as a complete dumbass and if ur with kerry like sarah is i guess ud agree with it. but the problem is that he cut out important information that proved that he wasnt as dumb as people think he is even people that were interviewed in the movie said he only took out portions of the interview that agreed with his viewpoint. just like the fowards that are going around the internet about the 911 verse in the koran and whats his spic ass face dante? u can minipulate anything as long as u take bits and pieces for exsample. jews are evil and they should go to hell cuz jews killed jesus. and if u had sombody important enough and popular enough to say it i bet alot of dumb asses would believe it i cant believe how many fucking idiots their are in america most of them not even niggers. i must say this generation of black people are pissing me off well at least some of them. newayz back to the subject we were watching the documentry and this nigger chick and i mean nigger chick i dont mean afro american i mean n i g g e r ignorent mother fucker is like look at bush and his stupid self he be so stupid. now its not just niggers im hateing on its white people too and its not just cuz theyre insulting bush. there also was this obesse fat ass white kid in the corner who trys to fit in but everybody hates him. there are kids u feel sorry for cuz they are outcast then there are pricks like these people who are too fat to fit in. newayz hes like bush is so dumb like trying to suck up these cool niggers or soemthing. newayz i wasnt going to go off on this chick just cuz she had a opnion and was expressing it strongly but then later on when the begining credits started to role she was like its over all ready? and i said it kinda loud but not like screaming it , but "i was like and bush is stupid? fucking nigger" only a couple people noticed my comment and i was kinda waiting for a retaliation like who the hell u talking to chineese boy then i would be like why dont u go hang from a tree somewhere. so what sucks is theres not that much u can do to insult white people except a couple good low blows. one is what i used once this kid was like wheres ur green card and making fun of me and stuff. so i was just like i dont know bitch why dont u ask ur mom after i raped her and killed ur dad. r u could just talk about raping white women and how much they suck and if some white guy is racist hell get really mad. which is funny. so whatever im not really tryiing to get anypoint across its just i think im racist against anybody or maybe im just hater or maybe the whole world is fucked up. yea thats it maybe my adult hormones to tell right from wrong will kick in soon, they really need too or else ill be in prison real soon cuz my teenage feelings are getting the better of me. fuck you i bet u didnt think this would be a hate entry
Read 3 comments
Hey... I'm sorry you feel that way. Don't be mad. There are a lot of idiots in America, just like you said. That was pretty funny about the blackboard/whiteboard thing... I cracked up, because some people are like that! It's so true..

Well, cheer up... :)


Aww.. Now I feel bad...

Don't be upset.. Those jerks will get it one day... I hope you will feel better later tonight when we talk...

I would beat those idiot whackers up with my own two fists if I could, and if I was strong, and if it wouldn't really hurt...

yeah fuck niggers