Hardy har-har!

"Scientists are complaining that the new Dinosaur movie shows dinosaurs with lemurs, who didn't evolve for another million years. They're afraid the movie will give kids a mistaken impression. What about the fact that the dinosaurs are singing and dancing?" -Jay Leno "USA Today has come out with a new survey: Apparently three out of four people make up 75 percent of the population." -David Letterman "It's so simple to be wise. Just think of something stupid to say and then don't say it." -Sam Levenson "What do you call people who are afraid of Santa Claus? Claustrophobic." -Unknown The fact that no one understands you doesn't make you an artist. -Unknown I was so poor growing up ... if I wasn't a boy ...I'd have nothing to play with. -Rodney Dangerfield Whenever I see an old lady slip and fall on a wet sidewalk, my first instinct is to laugh. But then I think, what if I was an ant, and she fell on me. Then it wouldn't seem quite so funny. -Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts Never tell your mom her diet's not working. -Joel, 14, Advice from Kids The #1 cause of divorce is ... Marriage Living on Earth is expensive, but it does include a free trip around the sun. 24 hours in a day. 24 beers in a case. Coincidence?
Read 6 comments
I just love those quotes. how long did it take to get all them?!?
What was that about? Are you threatening to kill me?! You sound really yummy right now. Mmm...

I love you. If you want to call me, you can. Sorry I missed your call. I was eating a Chocolate Hershey's pie my brother got me from the BK lounge.

Hey Matty!

It's just like old times when I used to come on sit Diaries and I see that you're on too and I get all excited and I can't leave the computer until you do! Remember that one time that I tried to be an anonymous person and leave you a comment and I accidentally wrote "Mister" and "Shmuck" or something? Remember that? I do. You laughed because I sucked at hiding things from you! <3

Thanks for reading what I wrote you.
The phone connection sucks. But don't be sorry because it's not your fault honney!
Hope you don't mind that I write random things on your diary sometimes. I love you. I don't mind if you do it to mine.

Matthew! I love you! Thank you so much for that entry. That last part was very strong. I love it. No, I love YOU. Thank you. You are so great. Thank you SO MUCH. You are a very good poet.