Update foo

time for a update well ive just been playin same grand theft auto the SA version (san andreas) we heard some white trash peeps call it that see we picked it up. i already beat it a while ago im just trying to 100 percent completion. i got to drop physics secound semester so thats a plus i came about this close to getting cut from comunity service but i made the dead line kinda. then were ganna make this big ass small movie with my friends for his digital media class. hopefully its ganna be real violent if not thats poopie. brendon lended me his air guns and pellet riffle which all of them look pretty real especialy one of them which is almost a replica with metal and other various working parts and it hurts like fuck. the others r spring loaded except for the pellet gun of course i dont know much about guns all i know is its fun to shoot people. my friend brian and i were just like alright guns and his first instinct is to point it at my stomach and squeeze the trigger and so it does and it hurt well kinda not really . so i had my co2 powered gun and just unloaded on him my clip could hold like 30 small plastic ball things and i didnt need to recock it everytime like his springloaded one so i just started wasting him. finally i got the clue to stop. just by pure dumbness of me i shot him right between the eyes pretty dang close to his inner ear and on his elbow cuz at first i shot him then he turned his head cuz i hit him between his eyes so then he got shot in ears and turned all the way around and hit his arm. everything was bleeding like crazy. luckly this kid is tough. so he forgave me plus he knows that i will always do something back if something happens to me so he kinda excpected it he just didnt know that it was ganna hurt that much. it was funny cuz we were shooting at this metal plate that was just standing up and the spring loaded guns just bounced off but the co2 ones left this big ol dent in it. well thats it bye
Read 15 comments
Haha! The story gets better everytime! EVERYTIME! And I love the title. Good one! You scored one more for the team, foo! I'm so happy you updated. Yes! I think I almost had a heart attack when you told me you wrote in your diary! HEART ATTACK! Do you hear me?!? Heart attack! Haha.. Just kidding...

Well... Thank you for writting something, and for reading mine. You are the greatest!

NO! You're the greatest and a half! Tru dat... Tru dat...
Oh, here's a quote I got from challenge day...

"Don't hate the player, change the game."

Yes! Another one for the team!! Touch-freakin-down!

You can call me crazy, you can call me weird, but do you really know me if you call me those names? Didn't think so...

Let's promote non-making fun of peopleness... Shall we?

I'm just kidding... I am a little strange. I still heart you! <3

(((Sare Bear)))

Didn't he shoot your butt too?
I don't think I can trust you with guns... Except for the ones on your arms! Haha... Jay Kay! Jay Kay!

Psh.. That's just a bunch of non-sense...

Well, think before you drink, and tell them to scoot before you shoot!

<3 Sarah
Hey me. I just wanted to let myself know that I love me. And if Sarah is on the computer when I try to call, I will leave her a comment on her diary saying to get off so I can call. Alrighty? Do I have all that? Good! <3
I <3 U!
Lolz...Hey Matt, likign ya diary. N your sense of humour, like that Catipillar thing. Just commenting and reading ya diary....Ya awsome, mate!!!

Love, Vienna. xoxoxo
dude, in australia we call those types of guns- ""slup guns"" over here they are a bit more strong and u shoot someone close range and it will go in them.
u have GTA-4??? damn...just came out over here...anygood?? it is meant to be unreal!
shmuckeryduck told me to drop by cuz u are a full on top bloke...u seem alright by me dude...
peace out
wow yur hot.
that is u n the picture up there? right?
well that guy up there is hot
yes! yes! yes!

You are updating! YES!

Well, hope you like my little tinkerbell thing... cuz I figured out how to do it... Myself!

I followed instructions perfectly... and it's here!

I am so excited that you are updating! You are uping the date..

Love ya!