Listening to: From First to Last-Failure By Designer Jeans
Feeling: reminiscent
So I ended up talking to Devin before he left. He called at 1:30 in the morning, so we talked until 3 when he had to leave. I haven't talked to him since then, and I won't for another week. I hope something bad happens in Cancun so he has to come back. I miss himmm.
Nothing exciting happened yesterday. I got extremelyyy burnt from laying outside. Then me and Erica took our daily walk, then we just talked. Then I came inside and watched the Real World, of course.
I just woke up. And holy shit. Wow. I just had the worst dream ever. I woke up in tears. It was that Devin broke up with me because this girl (who I really don't like) Brianne "treated him better." I think there was something about a dog attacking Devin, and Brianne was there to save him. Then he told me that he had liked her the whole time he was with me, and he liked someone else, but I can't remember who. And I was begging him to stop and tell me he was lying, but he just walked away with Brianne. And he was just so cold about it. Not even the least bit caring. Wow, my entire body aches right now just thinking of that. I woke up crying and shaking. It felt so real, despite the fact it took place on my middle school's front lawn. Wow, it scared me so much. I guess that goes to show what dreams say about your fears.
so do you :-)
and i like your layout too
[ kissxmexsoftly ]
=) hehe ♥Megan
♥ alli