Listening to: getting away with murder
Feeling: pissy
today is boring. i'm about to cry. i don't know why. i wish that i could understand but i don't. i guess its that time of month where i get depressed for no reason. i hate it when that happens. i feel all alone. basically dead. i have a pain in my side and it won't go away. the problem is that i always have to do things. For example, i always like to have the computer room door closed. my brother just walked in and left the door open. so i had to get up and close the door. i have to get my moms purse. i have to get papers for my dad. i have to turn off every light in the house. i have to feed the cats (We have 3 cats) i have to feed my hamster. i have to watch the food. i have to turn on the tv for people. i have to turn up the volume. i have to get food for people. i have to watch peoples stuff. i have to take people to the bathroom (stupid ass buddy system). i have to pick things up and hand em to people. i have to make sure the door is looked. i have to clean up my brothers messes. i have to clean up trash that people left in the room. i have to turn on the computer. i have to ask for people. i have to find people and tell them that someone needs them. i have to clean up the mess in the living room. i have to put dvds in the dvd player. i have to get blankets for people. i have to tell them to shut up. i have to go all the way from the one place to the other for people. i have to do almost everything. and in the end i'm all alone. like when i went to kaylas house. "Stephy can you get the chips?" "stephy can you put in the dvd?" "Stephy can't sit here. i want laura and madeleine to sit by me." "stephy, can you go get the remote?" "stphy, can you go find that movie that we wanted to watch?" I FUCKING TIRED OFF THAT! STOP ASKING ME TO DO EVERY DAMN THING! THATS CALLED LAZYNESS! I ALWAYS GET CALLED THE LAZY ONE! I'M ALWAYS THE ONE WO HAS TO DO AND GET EVERYTHING FOR PEOPLE! OH WAIT THAT'S RIGHT! I ALMOST FORGOT, STOP BLAMING EVERYTHING ON ME!MY BROTHER DOES ENOUGH OF THAT ALREADY!YOU PEOPLE ARE MAKING ME THINK THAT I'M JUST HERE TO BE YOUR SERVENT! I GET THE STUFF AND YOU BARROW IT! OR YOU JUST STEAL IT! STOP IT NOW!
*takes deep breath*
but really... stop it... unless you think i'm your servent then i'll just ignore you. i won't do a damn thing for you unless you stop.
*pokes You and says*
hey i know what you mean
one more thing how do you put icons on?
but who am I to tell you that?
Being there, Know what it is like.
Why should I tell you what it is like.
you know. Fuck people who tell you not to do something unless they have done it themselves. They don't know what it is like. How good it can feel. Stupid bastards.