
Feeling: burned-out
Hey! Nothing much here! Been really really busy! I feel like I never get to sleep or rest anymore! Geez! Well nothing exciting has really happened this week! Besides watching a totally hilarious episode of Oprah yesterday with Jamie!! It was like an Anatomy like episode and they were talking about how it is bad to be like Constipated a lot and like how you want your poop NOT to go "Plop Plop!" Right Jamie girl?!! Haha that was hilarious! Jamie is so awesome! I love her to death! But I felt so bad for her the other day because like she always gets called "Slut" or "Skank" because she is Superly pretty and skinny and yeah.. so she was trying to help all the jock guys in RPS yesterday with their Lipsync/ Dance to "bye bye bye" and all she did was show them how to do like a body roll, and Scott Reed was like waving a dollar bill in front of her... and she got really really upset about it. Well that is enough for tonight! Went fishing today with Heathman! Yeah! It was actually pretty fun! But hey! Show some love and leave so comments k?! You know you love me, Laurie
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hey, well ur very lucky heathmen dont like me so i dont get to go fishing with him wat was u fishing for? any luck?
well later,
Hey hun,
Sorry I haven't written you in a while, it's been so hectic at my house! It's crazy! Anyways...I'm home sick from school so I thought I'd write you see how you were doing! well gtg ttyl w/b!
