
Feeling: placid
Ok, for one... people that leave anonymous notes are assholes. I'm sorry but I agree with Eliza, if you are going to leave comments, you say who it is. You should be able to back up what you say. You can just go and fuck yourself for all I care. If you are willing to pick on Jamie, you are making a big mistake, because Jamie will kick your ass when she finds out it is you, as will I. And I really dont give a shit if you think I act like I am Lewis' favorite. That is all Can you help me find a way to carry on again? Laurie
Read 5 comments
Laurie i just LOVE leaving you makes my day.!!!!
i will hurt them who ever said that to arent lewis favorite@!!! I would!!!
laurie white, is that you?!

- ismileinregret
Whats going on Laurie!?
Laurie I really need to talk to you. I'm missing her to much. It wasn't supposed to be this bad. It really wasn't. I just really need someone to talk to. Whenever you can give me a call I'd really appreciate it. Thanks bye