Listening to: Goin' Crazy - Natalie
Feeling: better
Well, nothing much going on today! Went to drivers ed this morning and I am officially DONE! YES! Well, except I am driving tomorrow just because, with Eliza. We are driving Laws to Lawrence so he can give blood, so that will be awesome. He is actually buying us lunch so that will just be dandy.
Today started out not so great, but actually turned into a great day, just from a certain someone giving me some great advice.
I feel so rebelious... I actually didnt go to weightlifting... I feel really bad, but like it's so hot outside, and I really hadnt been drinking that much water, and my ankle hurt, and also I just didnt feel good, so I decided against going. I feel really bad. But I will make it up to Lewis. Since you know, I am his "Poster Child" that loser.
Last night was really really fun at water aerobics, if you haven't gone yet, you should. It's so much fun, I can't even express how much fun it is. And Trey and Lewis make is so much fun to be there. Lewis "Launched" me once again there. It was really fun.
Well that is about it.. so I feel like really not loved right now... Eliza got 12 comments and I got 9, so we will just have to have a contest or something... so Eliza.. bring it. Haha!
How can you see into my eyes like open doors?
And freaked out and was all scared the rest of the night. :(
So I was all wtf at the end.
ANYWAYYYYYYY. I'm bored at 6 am, so I decided to comment!
And now I'm done!:D
anyways come and check out my icons sometime?