12. work

Feeling: braindead
It's offical. I am never going to be a secritary. It is such a boring job. today for most of the day I was stuffing envelops and putting postage on them and putting lables and sealing them. it was such a drag. I'm hopping that it gets better though but I don't think it will. I just don't want to leave because then my sister goes to get her permit for driving. Which I don't think is a good thing because I've had the experiance of seeing her drive it's not a pretty site. She's a mad women. the only good that can come of this is her being able to take places when my parents won't. like to the mall, the movies or to my friends houses. She seems pretty excited though so I guess I can handle her crazyness in a car. I can just see her know. she's going to be one of those carazy drivers that my mom yells at when they cut her off on the freeway.
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LOL!!! CRazy drivers.. imagine me..