Monday, I worked, and then got home around 8:45. I received a telephone call around 9:00, asking if I wanted to go out and do something by Lisa. So, our late night adventure started at around 10:30, with us, driving to St.Vital, trying to catch the 10:40 Ocean's 12 show, which is normally around a 25 minute drive from where we were. It took around... 10 plus parking. Nicely done, if I do say so myself.
Watched the movie, confusing yet good. Then we left to Tim Hortons for a good mocha chat. I hate mocha's, which I forgot. So, out came the debit, and I got another Hot Chocolate.
Realizing it was 1:15, and my curfew that night was 12:30ish, we raced back to my house, spilling the hot chocolate through most of the way. A night is never good without spills, donuts, and uncontrollable laughter.
We then went on to decide that we should just go to Lisa's instead, so I left a note, got caught by my dad, waved goodbye, and told the sleepy dad that I would be back in the morning. Such a model daughter. My mom just laughed afterwards.
Stayed up till 3:30ish, then went shopping for around 10 the next day, realizing that the debit is scratched and doesn't work, yet still managing to buy all the gifts I need.
The nighttime revolved around hanging out with Andrew, playing, and him laughing at my fake tears over losing badly over and over in Mario Kart.
That's all folks.
Nice layout yourself =)
I think that's really all i'm looking for in this world, a girl to game with. that is why you are supremo
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... and just replace the brackets with the pointy things...
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I wish i did
im not that talented :
it doesnt really feel like christmas :(
Merry Christmas!
I see so many girls getting pregnant and the guy running from it all.
But sure, having money to raise a child is something you need.
I want to get married young. Go young love.
Not young, young, maybe 20. Or at least engaged.
Meh, thanks for the comments.
Great to think about. =)